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Michelle Jones
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Registered Play Therapist

Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy Certified

Have you ever questioned your parenting choices or how your past experiences affect how you interact with children?  Join me as we explore these questions and look at moving towards a balanced style of parenting. I hope to walk with you as you PROCEED WITH PURPOSE...

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Gentle or helicopter parenting, unparenting, spare the rod and spoil the child... Do you feel overwhelmed by the many different labels related to parenting? As a parent and having worked with children for many years, I recognize that everyone else thinks they have the right answer.  While I enjoy problem solving and bringing my own set of knowledge and experience to the situations at hand, I have recognized I don’t always have the perfect answer. For this reason, I thought it would be helpful to offer skills as well as a space for everyone to share their experiences and ideas in a group journey that could help adults feel better equipped to care for children. Slowing down to consider how you want to interact with the children in your care can help you to proceed with a purpose.
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